Aug 11Liked by Legalise Freedom

I suspect that Sunaks reason for saying sandwich was to make him appear more English. I suspect his favourite meal is Aloo Gobi or Kitchari(or some other staple that wouldn't appear on a menu in a UK Indian restaurant). Irish politicians and ice-cream needs to be investigated. There used to be a time when they loved been pictured with a pint. Farage seems to be the only pint man left.

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Could be. Nothing more English than a sandwich. You're right about the pint thing. That was a real 'everyman' statement. On the campaign trail, alien invaders such as Tony Blair and David Cameron would unexpectedly gatecrash some local pub and stage a photo shoot, pint in hand, with a gaggle of press photographers. 'Look how normal I am! I'm like YOU!'

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In the superb 2013 movie Under the Skin, Scarlett Johansson - as a non human - struggles to eat a small piece of cake. Yet we see these kinds of strange behaviours with politicians in real life all the time.

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