The Anvil of the Psyche with Thomas Sheridan
What is popular culture? How does it come into existence?
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Thomas Sheridan discusses his book 'The Anvil of the Psyche'. Originally published February 2013. Link to audio below. In the coming weeks Thomas and I will be recording a new podcast about the book, how much has changed since its publication, and how uncannily accurate its predictions were.
Ask yourself: what is popular culture? How does it come into existence? How do universally accepted ideas of art and creativity, mass media, publishing and financial constructs, and political and social doctrines arise? Are mass social and cultural movements - coupled with one's personal and social identity - always a natural flow of social, economic, philosophical, spiritual and artistic threads of the collective human experience? Do they organically emerge from the underground to gradually become mainstream cultural and social consensus? And from these options and opinions, do we pick and choose objectively? Do we, as the consumer, the investor, the voter make our individual decisions, affiliations, allegiances and even our emotional attachments, determined exclusively by our own choices?
In 'The Anvil of the Psyche', Thomas Sheridan seeks to show us how controlled we really are, the often detrimental effects this has upon us, and what we can do to build a firewall for our minds. Topics discussed include politics, sport, advertising, mainstream media, personal identity and perception, reality TV, subliminal messages and popular music including Elvis and Michael Jackson.
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